Weekly Update #1

Paying off some technical debt in this update. The scale of the JS source files is getting to a point where I need to restructure as a sanity saver. There’s more cleanup to be done, but I’ve significantly restructured the folders for both JS and CSS files, and created a build script to automate the process.

I also noticed some unexpected engine-breaking bugs when I first loaded up the game again. I need to either not leave work half-finished, or leave notes for myself.


  • Restructured JS to use a preprocessor (WEPP)
  • Restructured CSS to use a preprocessor (SASS)
  • Added a build script to 1) bake the JS files down to: engine.js and game.js; and 2) update the page CSS
  • Added a function to dynamically reload/switch the CSS themes (which means in the future I can add an in-game command to change the theme)
  • Fixed a couple NLP bugs related to half-finished work from a while back

Known Issues:

  • Dialogue node callbacks aren’t working right. Need more testing and refinement of the callbacks and may need some refactoring of the dialogue tree feature in general.