StupidRPG: Callbacks

Callbacks are functions on an object, typically executed based on an event somewhere in the game. For example, each time a game ‘tick’ occurs, an AI callback is triggered on every living thing (allowing them to move, attack, or take other actions). SRPG has a couple types of callbacks, which I hope to consolidate in future refactoring.

Callback Types

The current callback behavior is slightly convoluted, due to changes mid-development. Initially, each object could only have one callback of a given name, which proved to be too limiting. It meant that I couldn’t stack callbacks to allow objects to inherit behaviors and expand on them.

The quick solution to this was to use an array of functions, and instead of setting the callback directly, add it to the end of the array. This works fine for the most part, but the code feels a bit clunky for more advanced use cases, and due to the mix of new code and old code, I have to perform several additional checks before executing callbacks.


One of my refactoring tasks is to clean up the callbacks in a few ways:

  • Create a Callback prototype which all callbacks inherit from
  • Standardize all object callback fields to use an array (no direct references to single callbacks)
  • Standardize callback return values to let the caller know definitively how/whether the callback was handled

Reorganizing will allow me to add more advanced callback functionality as well, such as specifying event filters for callbacks, prioritizing callbacks, and allowing callbacks to cancel events entirely (not allowing other callbacks to run).